Noninvasive neuromodulation of the prefrontal cortex in mental health disorders | Neuropsychopharmacology,Olanzapine Ameliorates Ischemic Stroke-like Pathology in Gerbils and H2O2-Induced Neurotoxicity in SH-SY5Y Cells via Inhibiting the MAPK Signaling Pathway,Optical Tweezers: Phototoxicity and Thermal Stress in Cells and Biomolecules,Structure−Activity Relationships for a Novel Series of Dopamine D2-like Receptor Ligands Based on N-Substituted 3-Aryl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3-ol | Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,Direct Conjugation of TiO2 Nanoparticles with Phototherapeutic Prodrug 5‐Aminolevulinic Acid - Hajareh Haghighi - 2024 - ChemNanoMat - Wiley Online Library