COMING TO @1313mockingbirdks NEXT WEEK! The Iron Giant Super Cyborg This 11” tall The Iron Giant Super Cyborg is rendered with full-color paint detail and comes with a 1.5” Hogarth Hughes accessory,,Mecha BREAK x MOSHOWTOYS illustrious class·falcon (UBP-R02T) 3D Render Share The illustrious class·falcon painted model withmetal frame will make its debut at the 2024 Wonder Festival Shanghai, displayed at the @UMecha BREAK (,COMING TO @1313mockingbirdks NEXT WEEK! The Iron Giant Super Cyborg This 11” tall The Iron Giant Super Cyborg is rendered with full-color paint detail and comes with a 1.5” Hogarth Hughes accessory,,COMING TO @1313mockingbirdks NEXT WEEK! The Iron Giant Super Cyborg This 11” tall The Iron Giant Super Cyborg is rendered with full-color paint detail and comes with a 1.5” Hogarth Hughes accessory,,Riobot Grendizer & Spazer Set (Completed) - HobbySearch Anime Robot/SFX Store